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Norton Safe Search Review

Norton safe search is a security program from Norton that informs Internet users know if sites they’re planning to visit are a risk or not. This is crucial because nearly every day, there are reports of identity thefts and financial assets being accessed from computers by ransomware and malware that was downloaded from dangerous websites.

Norton utilizes a feedback from the community system to monitor the Web. Users can review the way websites function and if any suspicious activity occurs using these websites. In addition, site owners can submit their sites for evaluation and if they meet certain criteria, they can receive a Norton Secured Seal, which ensures that users know that the site is secure and trustworthy.

You can display ratings for safety next to any search results within the browser with the Norton Safe Search Extension for Google Chrome. This gives you the best security against identity thieves, phishing sites and online viruses. The extension is light and will not slow down your computer.

But, the biggest drawback is that Norton’s rating is not included in the results for image, video and news searches. This is a pity considering the importance of these types of results in a user’s search experience. It would be pleasing to see Norton’s rating displayed with ad search results, as they are often malware-infested or scams that involve phishing. The extension is still worth a try to protect yourself from the dangers that come with online shopping and browsing.
